Snail spirals
from the still center,
Origin, Source of All:
the universe Her whirling hips,
the universe a spiral shell
She carries on Her amorphous back,
painting a silver starry trail,
a mask across Her faceless night.
Her path of beauty flows
from within Her body’s
cavernous depths.
How can such tenderness construct
the mighty castle of Her shell?
Snail carries Spiral on Her back:
womb of becoming,
universe in a nutshell.
photo by David Rsmussen
Slug slogs along.
Her negative print of darkness
shimmers iridescent, ghost-dance,
x-ray, developing.
She trails
the twinkling Milky Way,
Her star-lit path,
naked to the gyre of glory,
wearing the swirling cosmos
as Her home!
© Tamara Rasmussen 2018