Peer down My rabbit-hole, intrepid Alice,
to encounter center’s inner eye.
Tumble down into Me,
to My soft moist nest within,
where faded leaves,
brown silky fur, and brown/pink skin
curl in a weaver’s comforter of nurturing.
It is dark here and everything is naked.
Nuzzle and find the sweet teat of love.
Cuddle in the embrace of healing.
Carved by: Jacobo & Maria Angeles, Oaxaca, Mexico
I Am Ixchel,
self-fertilizing Rabbit Mother of the Mayans.
I love all My children equally.
Fullness and hunger dance together
in the peaceful shadow
of the rabbit in the moon.
This dark moon time is a gestation
making whole as an egg
the dream of daylight, full moon promise,
the waxing, growing, Easter work,
hope's work,
that waits to be done.
© Tamara Rasmussen 2018