
Excluded, I Am becoming All,

the future incandescent in My dark.

Souls come to Me and whirl in Me.

I Am the well of souls, making well,

the wounded healer, healing Myself,

becoming whole, one soul.

I Am the whirlwind of change,

the whirlpool of souls, cleansing.

I save not what they ask Me to save,

but all that is worth saving:

keeping everything eco-gen-Eros,

keeping nothing ego-logical.

Surely I who have nothing

would never waste anything!

I drink in souls to the dancing place

where the All honors all Individual,

turning, turning toward Justess and hope.

Once upon a time I gave birth to the moon.

Now I birth the future only.

Surely I will never miscarry.

Out of My nothingness

I Am become,

in spiral dark,

the Womb of All.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018
